>> Saturday, April 17, 2010
Please read all these instructions through once
before starting assembly. First note that 4
components are mounted underneath the double
sided, plated through PCB. The overlay shows these
components but they are mounted
UNDERNEATH the board on the copper side of
the PCB. The 4 components are C7 C8 R5 & R2.
C7, the 10uF tantalum capacitor must be pushed
over on its side so that the total height from the
surface of the PCB is under 5mm (otherwise it will
not fit inside the case.) The ceramic capacitor, C8,
also needs to be pushed over a little. The 1/8W
resistors will be under 5mm above the board.
All the other components are on the top of the PCB
as normal. Again the tantalum capacitor must be
pushed over to be under 5mm high. Make sure to
identify C6, the 103 monoblok capacitor and get it
in the right position. Make sure also that the two 10
pin IC’s are soldered in the right positions. U2 is the
MAX186. Note the orientation of the 1N4148
diode. The 78L05 must be mounted flush on the
PCB so it is not above 5mm. The resistor networks
can be either way around.
Make sure that the two DB25 connectors are
correct: J1 is male, J2 is female. Use one half of the case as a jig to hold the connectors & the PCB
before you solder any lugs. If you do not do this
then you run the risk that a connector will be skew
on the PCB & not fit properly into the case at both
The extra male DB25 connector & case are
provided for the power supply & inputs as
described in the documentation.COMPONENTS KIT
0.1 104 monoblok .........C1 C2 C3 C5 .......... 4
0.01uF 103 monoblok ...C6 ........................... 1
1/8W 5% resistor
1K brown black red .....R5 ........................... 1
10K brown black orange R2 ......................... 1
10R brown black black .R1 ........................... 1
1N4148 diode ...............D1 ........................... 1
4.7uF/16V tantalum .......C4 ........................... 1
10uF/16V tantalum ........C7 ........................... 1
4K7 resistor network .....R3 R4 ...................... 2
74HCT373 ...................U1 ........................... 1
78L05 ...........................Q1 ........................... 1
220pF capacitor ............C8 ........................... 1
MAX186 ......................U2 ........................... 1
K118 PCB ..................................................... 1
D shell snap set ............................................... 1set
Male 25 pin PCB connector ......................... 2
Female 25 pin PCB connector ........................ 1
DB25 shell case .............................................. 1
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